Piper has been a VEWS resident since early November when she arrived as an owner surrender. This OTTB mare is a gorgeous girl whose registered name is "Precious Pride." She last ran on the track in 2011. Piper is an intelligent mare who takes note of her surroundings without fuss or concern. Under saddle, she shows lots of prior training that, with the right person, could be refreshed and polished. She can sidepass and yield her hindquarters. She wants to work and enjoys a routine. She is great for catching, haltering, and leading through the obstacle course. While she is wonderful for hoof care, she doesn't enjoy grooming. She takes a bridle with a simple snaffle easily, but is girthy. She rides well for an experienced rider who understands how an OTTB thinks. Piper is not mean or aggressive. She is searching for someone who can take time to connect with her on the ground and in the saddle to bring out her full potential. You'll have a wonderful partner for years to come! Please complete an adoption application today!

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